Final validation in Slovenia
Today we started the final validation of the BeauCoup products in Slovenia, the Bag and the Screen.
The evaluation took place in two museums, namely in the museum Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice, in Jesenice, and in the Tržič Museum, in Tržič.
The products were evaluated by both museum directors, Mr. Aljaž Pogačnik and Ms. Jana Babšek, as well as by Ms. Sonja Koren Valjavec, who conducts workshops at the museum. Since all participants encountered these products for the first time, we first introduced them to the BeauCoup Project and briefly explained our partners and work. They responded very positively to our goals, as both museums strive to expand art and cultural heritage, and also to reach the most vulnerable. All three solutions seemed useful, user-friendly, and easy to use to them.