Workshop with museum staff organized in Austria
The 1st workshop in Vienna, took place at the Viennese Arts History Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien).
The Viennese Arts History Museum is the largest art museum in Austria and one of the most important museums worldwide. The workshop involved 7 participants all employed at the Museum and had diverse roles as museum staff. The workshop was organized by the Austrian Institute of Technology and at the Austrian Association in Support of the Blind and Visually Impaired (Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs).
The overall goal of the workshop was to discuss how the BeauCoup Project can bring art to people outside the museum. Before the workshop participants selected 22 cultural contents/artefacts from the collection of the museum including paintings, sculpture and some curious artefacts. It covers both well-known masterpieces and peculiar artefacts which are not exhibited in the museum. Thus, the goal was to make the “invisible” collection accessible to the visitors. In the workshop we did co-design activities and discussed how the selected cultural contents/artefacts could be communicated using the service delivery models – the bag, the box and the screen – proposed in BeauCoup.