BeauCoup applications provide enriching art experiences for all users

April 25, 2024
tactile reliefs

On Vienna Daughter´s Day on April 25, 18 pupils of an elementary school visited VRVis and together with researcher Andreas Reichinger, they explored the interactive multimedia guide and various tactile reliefs of famous artworks. He showed them how and why he is making museum objects tangible for people with impairments.

The girls enjoyed trying out the barrier-free solutions and were highly curious about VRVis´ research within this domain. Their enthusiasm for the interactive multimedia guide and the tactile reliefs, their numerous questions and wide interest proved once more that these applications provide an enriching experience for all users, regardless of their age and needs. Vienna’s Deputy Mayor and Executive City Councillor Kathrin Gaál took the opportunity and visited VRVis on Daughter´s Day. She attended part of the program and joined the girls experiencing research on inclusive digitization hands-on.

Every year, Vienna Daughters’ Day offers an opportunity for girls to spend a day at around 200 companies in the city and get first-hand impressions of different working environments. The event gives priority to technical, digital and scientific professions as well as crafts. The aim is to familiarize girls with career opportunities within these fields through practical activities and thus, overcome possible reservations.